We Got Orders!!

This is an exceptionally exciting, and equally depressing time of year for the families in the Coast Guard.  Finding out your next duty station allows you to prepare, pray, cry, accept, plan and generally embrace your new home to be.

I know you all have been very excited to hear where we will be going, and I plan on telling you.  First, how about an update on our camper?

So, for those who missed the post about us and our life change coming up, start here to get the story straight.  Moving on in Sarah fashion, Chris and I are throwing around the idea of downsizing our original plan for a camper.  A misunderstanding with the bank led us to believe we would not get the loan amount we thought we would, so my husband got to thinking,”Why not have a little less?  Thats what our aim is here anyway?”

He asked me what I was willing to give up: the extra half bathroom or the stackable washer and dryer.  As most mothers know, and probably would have said as well, it was a resounding, “Get rid of the bathroom! Not the washer!”


 I really have no desire to tote my things to the laundromat each week.  That would honestly send me over the edge.  Talk me down peeps, talk me down.

But, surprisingly, the idea of downsizing further doesn’t really phase me.  We are already going to be living in a camper, why not reduce a bit more?  As it turns out, the misunderstand with our bank was noodled out, and we discovered that we could indeed get the money we were hoping for, for this venture.  But, do we use all of what we can?  Or think smaller?  If I know my husband like I think I do, I would bet he is leaning towards smaller!

Would you consider living in a camper?  If so, do you have a dream camper you would like?

Oh and because I am a dreadful tease and have made you wait long enough, we are headed to New Orleans!!  Family here we come!

About jesuswithskin

I am a chaser of God, a lover of my husband, a mama to my children and a champion for my fellow mothers.
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3 Responses to We Got Orders!!

  1. Bokerah says:

    We lived in a large one for six years (and through to 3 kiddos).

  2. cw says:

    wow- New Orleans, I am not sure what to say. You will be much closer and the wildlife there will be thrilling I would hope on the outer barriers but whoah. When I think New Orleans I think Sodom and Gomorrah- not to mention poverty galore- plus drinking and debauchery- and bad politics. Seems like you are moving from pristine wilderness to hell. 😦 ok, maybe not the best follow up post) sorry. Do better research than my sad opinion. My first thought was, WOW, God must trust her a lot because He gave her quite a job as she takes her Jesus skin down to the Bayou. but you will be closer to your mom. 🙂 . .

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