Across The Nation, Part One: Day Three

It’s our last day on this ferry. For heaven’s sakes, I think it’s time we exited. I think it’s also safe to say that the ferry workers were glad to see us leave. Do any of you have any idea how difficult it is to keep five children occupied on a ship without much to do upon it? Never fear though! This Mommy/Auntie is amazing and came up with a scavenger hunt to amuse the littles. While all of the other adults were busy building a massive puzzle, I created a scavenger hunt that would be challenging and fun!

The scavenger hunt required all five kids to work together, to gather pictures and/or complete challenges at each stop, and to do so getting along famously. That, in and of itself was a feat of great worth! Here are our scavenger hunt clues, and their corresponding pictures. I have a few favorites!

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One of the most memorable moments from the scavenger hunt involved my nephew fearlessly approaching three random strangers to get a picture and a handshake. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed as hardly as I watched them try to accomplish those tasks. My poor son, however, was horrified, and could not even be present during these shenanigans. He’s simply too serious for that. I’m sure he did not take after me on that front. I was born silly, deranged really, and I am ok with that.

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Entering the galley to pick out some free items for their loot was hilarious too. Nothing like straws up your nose, coffee creamers, and a few sugars to make you happy when you are under 12!

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I suppose the best challenge was when we knocked on some poor lady’s door to snap a picture with her. She turned out to be very attractive, which meant that my nephew’s eyes were a bit big as he stood shoulder to shoulder, ready for a photo. Now, THAT, my friends was really funny.


My daughters were not phased, and seemed to enjoy the torment their poor brother was enduring. Though, despite all of his protestations, he seemed to be hiding a smile or two, completing each task, and finishing up with a big grin, proud of his photos, laughing with his cousin and sisters. I feel it was generally a win/win for everyone!

We are closing out our trip here on the Malespina in the morning when we debark on the next portion of our trip. I know the sights will be lovely! And, I am excited to see the look on my kids’ and nephew’s faces as they see what this great world has to offer. Thank you Alaska, you’ve been grand. I will forever miss you, for all of my days, I will miss you. I pray the Lord brings us back to you one day. You will hold a piece of my heart always!

About jesuswithskin

I am a chaser of God, a lover of my husband, a mama to my children and a champion for my fellow mothers.
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