Across The Nation, Part One: Day Two; Malespina


The sun was not shining on Petersburg this morning when we pulled into the port. Instead, the sky was filled with the remnants of fog from the previous night, a light rain drizzling on the earth. I slept on, through the morning, having gone to bed early to commune with God over some struggles I was having. I woke early still, due to a little girl repeatedly asking for “mil-mil”. After nursing Havilah and attempting to keep her abed for another hour, I gave up the futile effort, dressed us both and waited impatiently for Chris to pull his clothes on, as pokily as possible (that’s my estimation at least!).

I took our hot cereal down to the cafeteria to get hot water, and bowls. Sitting down, we enjoyed some good conversation and a few laughs. Of course, Havilah refused to eat her breakfast. It was a lesson in futility, for that I am certain. On a side note, I hate it when I spend really good money on expensive healthful food and my kids, for some inane reason, decide to not eat it! But, I digress, concluding breakfast, we took a few rounds around the ship. Havilah has to have a chance to either go around the ship outside, or locate every single staircase and climb and/or descend it. My big kids and nephews prefer to use the walkie talkies and play hide and seek with them.

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I played with the big kids during Havilah’s nap, and that was a blast (minus my son’s tantrum over not getting to make the rules of the game his own way)! We played “Cops and Robbers”, and my nephew schooled me in the ways of the game! It was surely a bigger hit than my idea of using the play room’s stuffed play area stackable toys to have a boxing match, which was a bit more violent, and did nothing to curb the restless boy energy and mounting frustration between the two testosterone laden fellows.

Stopping in Ketchikan just after lunch was a nice break from trip. Even though we did not get off of the ship, it gave my oldest daughter and me a chance to check on our seafaring cats again! Ginger is a lively one and she has done quite well with traveling. I cannot say the same for her partner in crime however. Danny, a tender soul, spent the time sulking in the back of the extra-large crate we fashioned for them with a sitting area, litter box and food station. We still pried him from the crate in order to share some love and snuggles with him. It didn’t seem to help with his mood, but at the very least, improves our own!


The next part, is entirely too funny at my expense. You see, my husband had the cats placed in the bed of his truck. His truck is the size of an elephant on steroids. It’s a Dually, and climbing into the back was a feat in itself. A feat I had not figured would put me in considerable peril if I tried to descend! Let me paint a mental picture for you: Me and my large-bottomed self, my daughter cackling like a fool, as I tried to throw one of my ridiculously long legs over the edge, only to discover that it was in no way near the ground. After ten minutes, breathing a large amount of exhaust from the eighteen wheeler that just had to start then and warm up its engine, I managed to open a back door, climb down and jump. I really should have planned my descent beforehand. I really should have. At least the workers and my daughter had a good laugh.

We made our way upstairs and continued working on a puzzle that we had been plugging away at, a 750 piece masterpiece of hot air balloons. Truth be told, I sat on my butt separating children form their squabbling and making jokes with my nephew and in-laws. That kid is a hoot! To be 11 and that funny is just too much!

Havilah was just too tired to not need a second nap, so she and I cuddled up on a chair, nursed and fell asleep. We woke to a completed puzzle (go me!), and time for dinner! The kids are now sitting in our room, watching Madagascar 2, and I get time to write. So far, so good! There has been a lot of fun, a lot of laughs and a lot of children fighting (Hello five kids, four of which are dealing with a separation from the home they have known for four years.)

This brings me to the end of day two on the Malespina! I hope you are enjoying the updates!

About jesuswithskin

I am a chaser of God, a lover of my husband, a mama to my children and a champion for my fellow mothers.
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