We Made It To Redmond, OR!

Oregon, so far has been a favorite for our family. Despite the troubles we will encounter that you will read about in a few more days, it has been, by far, the most beautiful and kindly state we’ve visited. I could do without the unnecessary gas attendants that pump your gas since it is unlawful to do so on your own, though.

Carefully edging our way into our new camping spot for the night, we took in our surprisingly busy surroundings. Apparently, there must have been some sort of travelling youth baseball team. There were lots of little boys running around playing baseball, beating their little boy chests in a show of testosterone laden awesomeness. My kids and nephew felt a bit shy, but warmed up to the idea of flying kites and riding bikes. There is a certain freedom in riding one’s bike on a long stretch of open road, free from traffic, knowing you’re safe. Living in Alaska, we could not ride our bikes much due to the weather and the location of our home. We lived directly on a highway with travelers speeding down the road at a decent clip. It just wasn’t safe. This always saddened me because I love to ride my bike and stay active.

My nephew and father in law took the Frisbee out and tossed it for a while. I enjoyed watching them both leap enthusiastically, occasionally falling to the poo-speckled field of green under their feet. They would laugh out loud, heartily glad when they missed a dog nugget! The girls and I and their father tried our best to fly kites. We have three, one is a trick kite, one a ladybug with a long tail and one a standard easy to fly kite. The lady bug refused to take wing. Although, I got tickled watching my highly determined father-in-law attempt to get that bug in the air, with no such luck. If you do not know it already, the Harkins are an extremely determined lot, some would even utter the word “stubborn” or “strong-willed” to describe them.

I decided to get some laundry done that evening. And God has a way of bringing just the right people your way when you need it. There was a woman sitting in there, on her phone doodling, waiting for her laundry. I have no troubles striking up a conversation, but she looked as if she would rather keep to herself, so I gingerly smiled, but stayed quiet. Much to my surprise though, she immediately started talking to me. We discussed what brought us to that camping spot, where we were headed, kids and all those typical things. I found out we shared the same faith in Christ, and even had a child each with the same sorts of challenges. She was able to give me some wisdom, from a mom mentor perspective, a woman who has travelled my walk and without judgment, gave good advice on how to handle the struggles we were encountering. Thank you woman, I wish we would have traded contact information. But, I understand that some friendships are fleeting, and meant to speak life into our situations, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

I carried my burden of laundry, piled high and folded, back to the camper, and watched some TV with the family. Not a bad day of travels! We are headed for Vale, OR tomorrow. Don’t forget to look for tales of Esteban. He’s been up to some mischief. And truth, be told, I think he has a crush on me. That’s kind of weird. Well, really weird honestly.

About jesuswithskin

I am a chaser of God, a lover of my husband, a mama to my children and a champion for my fellow mothers.
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