Esteban, Suave And Debonair, Air Plant And His Unforgettable Transplanted Journey

Hola! Me llamo Esteban! Or for my non-Spanish speaking friends, my name is Esteban (Please do not call me Steven, this is not my name. It’s ‘Es-Teh-Bahn’). I am full of manly plantly vigor, and excited to tell you of my travels. The Harkins’ were kind enough(read bribed) to allow me safe passage along with them, agreeing to occasionally spritz myself in order to keep me pleasing to the lady plants.

I was living with the Whitcomb family with my other air plant relatives when it occurred to me that I needed a change. I longed to taste the salty sea air (not too much though, I might die you know), to see the deserts from whence I came, and marvel at the sights of this great country.  I would be a liar if I said I wasn’t hoping to meet a svelte lady plant.

I made my case to the Harkins’ family, and they were more than happy to have me accompany them on their journey. Their only request was that I allow their cats to sniff and occasionally lick me. This was no small favor for me to indulge them for their cats.  But alas, I set aside my pride, realizing that it was worth the trouble if I wanted a free ride across the country!

I shall post photos of my travels, feel free to comment and ask me about myself. I am rather fascinating. After all, I am a plant that requires no dirt, rarely water, only a place to rest my bottom.

My first photo, me and their detestable fluffy feline, Ginger.  See my shame, but yet, I smile.  My machismo and manly fortitude should be praised. Thankfully, their black cat, Danny, could not be bothered to meet me.


About jesuswithskin

I am a chaser of God, a lover of my husband, a mama to my children and a champion for my fellow mothers.
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2 Responses to Esteban, Suave And Debonair, Air Plant And His Unforgettable Transplanted Journey

  1. Pingback: Across The Nation, Part One: Day One; The Malespina | Memoirs of a Coastie's Wife

  2. shotgunpenske says:

    All that time you spent on my windowsill, I never imagined you were an air plant of so many talents. Esteban, I underestimated you. From now on, I will be following your adventures.

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